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Stavelot Route de Trois Pont 00 - 4970


Het spijt ons, maar wij hebben geen Nederlandstalige vertaling gekregen This authentic house nestled in the hills of the valley of the Amblève offers a panoramic view out of the ordinary. Totally renovated in 1993, the house offers large bright and comfortable spaces that can be delivered to the tastes of the day without much money boiler already renovated) Both close to major motorways, the center of Stavelot, circuit of Spa-Francorchamps and all other amenities, this property will seduce you by its location. His attic completely renovated, annexes perfectly located and large partially wooded lot with no less than 200 different species will offer a large number of design possibilities.

Prijs en beschikbaarheid

Een vermelding op deze site betekent niet dat deze woning nu te koop is.

Soort huis:Huis Gebouwd in: 1952
Aantalgevels: 2 Gevelbreedte:
Woonoppervlakte: Perceeloppervlakte:10386
WC: 1 Aantal badkamers:
Garage: 2 Zolder:
Terras: Aantalwoonlagen:
Tuin: Locatietuin:

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